Pediatric headache

Authors: Ulvi Vaher, Eve Õiglane-Šlik

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Headache is one of the most frequent complaints in childen after stomach and musculosceletal pain in primary practice: Fifty-four per cent of children have headaches. For classification of headaches, The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD),3rd edition (beta version), has been used since 2013. According to the ICHD, there are three main types of headaches: primary headaches, secondary headaches and painful cranial neuropathies, other facial pains and other headaches. The most common type of headaches in children is primary headache. However, the first step in making diagnosis is to exclude possible secondary headache. The next is to make a precise headache diagnoosis and thereafter to find the most appropriate treatment strategies. Headache diaries are of great value in diagnosis but also in the follow-up period for evaluating the course of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. Treatment of primary headaches consists in acute pain management and, when necessary, preventive therapy.