CASE HISTORY – September 2015

Case report on benign lymphoid hyperplasia of the tongue base

Authors: Maile Keskpaik

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A 20-year-old female suffered from gloobus sensation, sore throat and „hot potato voice“ dysphonia. On examination, she had a visible tongue mass, confirmed with flexible nasendoscopy, which obstructed the posterior oropharynx. Neck palpation findings were normal. During nasendoscopy, biopsies were taken which revealed benign lymphoid hyperplasia. Surgical procedure was performed, excision of the lymphoid tissue from the tongue base with a laser (Biolitec diode laser) using a power setting of 8 W. Further histologic investigations confirmed the diagnosis. Postoperative recovery was rapid, and required antibacterial and mild analgesic treatments. Unfortunately, the patient did not show up for post-operative check-up.