RESEARCH – December 2009

Applying for dental and orthodontic treatment after preventive check-up of oral health in children


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AIM. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the oral health of children in the oldest group of kindergartens and in the first forms at school. Another aim was to estimate the effectiveness of the advice given by examining dentists regarding further consultations and treatment.

METHODS. A total of 1472 children (679 boys and 745 girls) with an average age of 6.5 years participated in the study. Visual check-up was performed using a spotlight, a dental mirror and a liner. The need for dental and or thodont ic treatment was evaluated and the parents were informed by mail about the further need for treatment or consultation by a specialist. Visits to the  dentist and to the orthodontist according to the given advice were checked after one year using the database of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund.

RESULTS. The parents of the studied children had been active in visiting the dentist (the rate varying from 56 to 100%) but had shown comparative passiveness towards recommended orthodontic treatment (2–56%).

CONCLUSIONS. There was no significant difference in registering for treatment between the group of children for whom orthodontic treatment was paid by the Health Insurance Fund and the group whose families had to pay for treatment.