The journal Eesti Arst (Estonian Physician) has been published since 1922. In the period 1922–1940 it came out as a monthly under the auspices of the Estonian Medical Association. During German occupation in 1941–1944 the Journal was published irregularly as an issue of the Academic Medical Society.
In the postwar period the regular issuing of the Journal was interrupted and in 1954–1957 six collections of Estonian-language medical articles were published under the title Nõukogude Eesti Tervishoid (Soviet Estonian Healthcare).
The year 1958 marks the beginning of regular publication of the Estonian-language general medical journal Nõukogude Eesti Tervishoid which came out six times a year with the support of the Ministry of Health of Soviet Estonia. From 1989 the Journal bears again the title Eesti Arst and up to 1999 it was issued six times a year by the publishing house Perioodika. Since 2000 the owner of the trademark Eesti Arst has been the Estonian Medical Association. For publishing of the Journal the joint stock company Eesti Arst was established the majority shareholder of which was initially and the sole shareholder is now the Estonian Medical Association. The Journal comes out with 12 issues a year.
Beginning from 2008 the publisher of Eesti Arst is the joint stock company Celsius Healthcare.
In the whole course of its history Eesti Arst has been published as an Estonian-language medical scientific journal which propagates the goals and principles kept in mind at the time of its foundation. The chief editors of the Journal have been:
1922–1928 Prof Siegfried Talvik
1929–1944 Prof Albert Valdes
1958–1964 A. Nordberg
1965–1999 Oku Tamm
2000–2010 Väino Sinisalu, Cand.Sci.Med.
2010–2013 Andres Soosaar;
since 2013 Ülla Linnamägi.
- Käbin J. Eesti Arstide Seltsi ajaloost. Eesti Arst 1989;4:277–80.
- Kutsar K. „Eesti Arst“ 1922–1940. Eesti Arst 1989;1:5–16.
- Tomberg T, Sinisalu V. Eesti Arst – üldmeditsiiniline teadusajakiri. Eesti Arst 2004;83(12):802–5.
- Kaasik A-E. 85 aastat Eesti Arsti. Eesti Arst;86(9):611–3.