REVIEW – May 2006

Sertindole – its profile of clinical efficacy and safety


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Sertindole is a second-generation antipsychotic compound which blocks D2–receptors in the limbic system. In clinical trials, efficacy similar to that of risperidone and haloperidol has been found for positive symptoms and, in addition, sertindole has also a substantial effect on the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. The number of patients who experienced extrapyramidal symptoms while taking sertindole in clinical trials was similar to that of patients on placebo. Sertindole does not cause  sedation, clinically significant changes in serum prolactin levels or anticholinergic side effects. Prolongation of the QT-interval occurs in some patients. Preliminary clinical data show its effect on cognitive symptoms and quality of life, which together with a favourable tolerability profile suggests that patients treated with sertindole will continue taking the drug as part of their long-term treatment regimen and will have lower relapse and readmission rates.